Friday, November 21, 2008

I was just alerted by the Cole NeSmith blog to some alarming news. China Daily has just reported that Coldplay may be breaking up at the end of 2009. Chris Martin is quoted as saying, "I'm 31 now and I don't think that bands should keep going past 33." I couldn't disagree more (shocking I know, because I hold Chris Martin in very high regard). If you have talent there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't continue on, and vice versa. *Rolling Stones take heed.* If your lyrics are widely accepted carry on my wayward son (anyone?). On the flipside this could be a highly commendable thing. Perhaps his real reason isn't just the fact that he is 33 (too old to rock seems to be what this is code for) pehaps he wants to focus on the greater things of life. Spending time with Gywneth, Apple, and Moses. If this is the case hurrah for him. Still I'm very sad.

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