Monday, January 12, 2009

New Words

Here are some new words I either discovered or just like and felt like posting.

accoutre - To outfit or equip, as for military duty.

chamfron - Armor used to protect the front of a war horse's head in medieval times.

cretin - 1. A person suffering from cretinism. 2. A stupid, obtuse, or mentally defective person.

eructation - 1. To eruct. 2. The act or an instance of belching.

gorget - 1. A patch on the throat of a bird or other animal, distinguished by its color, texture, etc. 2. A piece of armor for the throat. 3. A crescent-shaped ornament worn on a chain around the neck as a badge of rank by officers in the 17th and 18th centuries. 4. A wimple of the Middle Ages, worn with the ends fastened in the hair.

hussar - 1. (originally) One of a body of Hungarian light cavalry formed during the 15th century. 2. A member of a class of similar troops, usually with striking of flamboyant uniforms, in European armies.

obdurate - 1. Unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings; stubborn; unyielding. 2. Stubbornly resistant to moral influence; persistently impenitent.

obstreperous - 1. Resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly. 2. Noisy, clamorous, or boisterous.

pate - 1. The crown or the top of the head. 2. The head. 3. The brain.

reliquary - A repository or receptacle for relics.

venire- 1. A writ issued by a judge to a sheriff directing the summons of prospective jurors. 2. the panel of prospective jurors from which a jury is selected.


David Maxwell said...

Did you pick up the terms related to armor in something you've been reading lately, or have you known about them for a long time? I only ask because I'm very interested in all things medieval, but particularly weaponry, so I'm curious.

Laura Headley said...

Some I had learned while studying the medieval period in school a few years ago, but they caught my eye recently while reading Ivanhoe. I'm interested in weaponry as well, not just medieval, but weaponry in general, so references to weapons tend to catch my eye a lot.