Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Basics

1. My favorite colors are burnt orange, torquoise, teal, green, and yellow.

2. My favorite food is Mexican food, I love spicy food so much!!

3. I love the sound of my Mimi's (grandmother) bike. It's old and rattles beautifully. I love to ride it especially when it is a breazy overcast day.

4. I talk to myself out loud. A lot.

5. I love antiques and everything old. "Antiques are tangible stories."

"I love old things. They make me feel sad." "What's good about sad?" "It's happy for deep people."

6. My favorite smells are fresh picked tomatoes and pipe tobacco.
My little sister grows tomatoes and I just love the clean, earthy smell of them right after being picked.
There is a little old man who lives in my neighborhood. His wife doesn't allow him to smoke his pipe inside, so he stands in his driveway, puffing away. I love the smell emitted from his pipe.

7. Everything I do is a choice made by myself. It was not pre-ordained, it was of my own free will.

8. Noho feels like home. But so does Gallway, Lynchburg, Orlando, and Estes Park.

9. Most of the time the feelings I have make sense only to myself.

10. I tend to be skeptical and pessimistic. But also tend to be pretty happy anyway.

11. I love music of all kinds. My favorites are Coldplay, Bob Dylan, The Arcade Fire, Imogen Heap, Jon Foreman, Relient K, Snow Patrol, A Fine Frenzy, Vicky Beeching, and Norah Jones.

12. I love bead jewelry. I am not a fan of diamonds and other such gems.

13. My favorite stationary past times are reading and listening to music.

14. My favorite athletic past times are riding bikes, fencing, and rock climbing.

15. I am open minded to the extent that I will listen to what you have to say, I will respect your opinions, but do not think you will sway me with just words. I am stubborn.

16. I like to people watch. To sit and make a story out of their movements and appearances.

17. Abnormal and developmental psychology fascinates me.

18. Sometimes I feel I'm too old for my body.

19. There is always a meaning behind everything said, and everything written, and everything sung. No word is produced for no reason at all.

20. I think and dream too much. I'm rather slow at actually getting started.

I will add more to this list as time goes on. More thoughts and more facts about me.

1 comment:

Ashley Brynn said...

i did this same thing on my blog too! well after i saw yours...visit for explanation. =)