Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My heart is in a land I have never been, with people I have never met, hurting for the stories that I will never hear, the stories that will never be.

Please watch:
Tears of the Sun
The Invisible Children
Hotel Rwanda

Please visit:

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

1 comment:

David Maxwell said...

This is, interestingly enough, a matter I've been looking into of late. It's astounding how much violence there is and has been on that continent that no one knows anything about. Chad, Sudan, the DRC, the CAR, Uganda, and Somalia, just to name a few, are all in the midst of vicious wars that are displacing and slaughtering millions of innocents on a level that, comparatively speaking, the West hasn't seen since WWII. It's truly staggering.

(And you might find the movie Blood Diamond equally relevant.)