Friday, February 27, 2009


Racism has long been a major point of conversation, debate, and argument. Programs are run to bring the end of racism in America and throughout the world. There is only one problem with all these efforts; they are fighting to stop something that doesn’t exist. Racism cannot be a valid problem when there is no such thing as different races. No races? This brings up another problem doesn’t it? If there are no races then why are there black people, white people, Aboriginal people, and Asian people?
The conception of this thesis comes from Acts 17:26: “And He has made all nations of men of one blood to dwell on all the face of the earth.” If we are of one blood there cannot be different races. Our physical differences come from variations of our genes. Adam and Eve had the perfect combination of genes. Each of their descendants had different variations. When sin entered the world all people were commanded to disperse and go around the world. Traveling to new places, the body had to accustom itself with the environment. This is when different variations became dominant.
The more melanin your skin has the darker it is. So in reality everyone is the same color their skin is either a lighter or darker shade of the original color. Different amounts of fat are deposited around our eyes to protect the eyes in particular environments. The reason lighter skinned people tended to be found in the northern part of the world is because the sun was less strong there and they needed lighter skin to be able to absorb vitamin D. Those with darker skin could not get the appropriate amount of vitamin D and eventually they died out. In the southern part of the world, dark skin is dominant because of the sun’s great strength. Lighter skinned people did not survive because their light skin was burned and they contracted skin cancer.
The reason there are so many differences between each people group is because sin was allowed in the world. The mutations of genes happened as an example of the mutations sin has on our spiritual life. Because God is merciful these variations do benefit us by protecting us from a world that has turned against man because of our corruption. We should look at these differences and be happy that our brothers are protected from the elements of this world and know that our blood is one.

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