Friday, February 27, 2009

Three Day Old Embryos

“The human embryos that are destroyed in stem cell research do not have brains of even neurons. Consequently there is no way they can suffer their destruction in any way at all. It is worth remembering in this context that when a person’s brain has died, we currently deem it acceptable to harvest his organs provided he has donated them for this purpose.”

Provided he has donated them for this purpose. Exactly. He has donated them. He was not forced to give his organs away, he made the decision himself. A three day old embryo, because it has no brain, has no way of telling you, “I’m sorry, as much as I would like to further science and possibly save lives, I really think I could do more good if I was allowed to mature to my full potential. Please don’t kill me now, there is so much I could do if only you would give me a chance.”

When it comes to abortion and stem cell research I don’t like to look at the fact that the embryo is a living thing. We are smart people we understand that now. The moment of conception is the moment of life. What I like to focus on when I defend the right to life is the future. I realize that they embryo will feel no pain when you destroy its life to further someone else’s, but have you ever wondered if perhaps you were killing the very person who will find a way to cure Parkinson’s disease without doing tests and research on the unborn?

Sam Harris says every time I scratch my nose I have committed a holocaust because that scratch kills cells that have the potential to become human beings. Yes they do, but they aren’t human beings, they have not been fertilized. Three day old embryos have already been fertilized, they are already human beings. They are not fully matured and they may become more than one human being. In regards to his argument about split embryos sharing souls, I don’t think he understands souls or the creator of souls. God knows all things. He knows which of His children will be murdered before they can minister to a fallen world, He knows which ones will be given the opportunity to live full lives, and He also knows which embryos will split into two parts. Because He knows this I think that He is also able to give the embryo however many souls it needs.

I want the unborn embryos to be allowed to live and I also want the girl with burns all over her body to live, but I am hopeful that we can find a way to save the small burned girl without having to murder another human being.

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